Monday, December 28, 2009

patriarchy zine- calling for submissions!

i'm looking for submissions to a zine about life in patriarchal society. stories, rants, essays, poetry, artwork, whatever you want to do. deadline is 2/1/10. tell yer friends!

if you want to submit something- please have it zine ready. landscape page format (so that the long sides of the page are the top and bottom), 1/2 sheets, wide margins.

folks keep asking me- what do you want? what's it going to be like? the answer is that i don't know. i have no idea until it's all before me and done. when i organize other people, i consciously try not to control them. i lay the framework, get some foundation down to allow everyone else's creativity to shine. then i step back, wait to see what comes, and something beautiful and unique is invariably born. my favorite projects are those that i have the least to do with. all i know is this- lots of people struggle with our patriarchal society and lots of people want to be free. but it's hard. we're alienated from one another, afraid to talk to one another, we feel powerless and alone. so i decided to put out a call for submissions and see what happens. so far it's been good. i've had feedback from many people, local and in far away american places- many are really excited that this project is underway and many are planning to submit or already have. how about you?

email it to me: or contact me that way so we can work off a handoff/mailing address if it's not something you can email.


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