Friday, January 1, 2010

stupid elite institutions

i just want to go to school. i don't know why, i just have always had a sense that it's the place for me. but only people with money get to go to school. if you don't have the money, someone has to give it to you. if no one gives you the money, you don't get to go.

and then supposedly, academia is some vast storehouse of knowledge, where intellectuals congregate and work to contribute to bodies of knowledge out there in the world.

but only certain people are involved in that. not everyone gets to be a part of it. it doesn't matter how intelligent you are, how important you (i) feel your (my) ideas are, it doesn't matter if your heart tells you that you have something for the world to hear. if you don't have money, you can't go to school.

stupid capitalist system.

stupid patriarchal competitive institution.

stupid me who thinks it's worth something and important in the first place.


steev said...

awesome. it's great to see this kind of ambivalence in others too. I'm constantly going back and forth in my mind about going back to grad school. something about it is so alluring but i also know that i could get a lot more done, potentially, and even learn more, potentially, outside of school, and i know what a scam it is, money-wise, indoctrination-wise, and i refuse to go unless i can go for free. i also have the added insecurity that I am feeling a little too old to be in school any more.

carrie said...

yer never too old for school. :) but yeah, don't go unless it's free.